CS Workx - 21st Century Skills
CS Workx - 21st Century Skills

Getting the best out of people

Learn the skills indispensable for your success in the 21st century! Get exclusive content, previews and templates by becoming an active member of our business community!

21st Century Skills are the abilities and competences you need to be effective in the rapidly changing and highly digitised society. 21st century skills are based on deeper learning, analytical thinking, complex problem solving and hybrid teamwork. These skills differ from traditional skills in that they are not primarily based on content knowledge. Skills that therefore have more to do with processing information and managing people than technical or administrative work in a factory or an office.

After all, people are expected to be flexible and adaptable in different roles and work areas. This skillset is also known as 'applied skills' or 'soft skills'.

CS Workx offers professional training and coaching for executives, managers, company directors and (self-employed) entrepreneurs.



The House of Coaching

The House of Coaching

The House of Coaching biedt professionele training en coaching aan voor leidinggevenden, managers, bedrijfsleiders en (zelfstandige) ondernemers.

In-company Training
Open Training


CoachSteff biedt coaching in kader van professionele uitdagingen voor leidinggevenden, zelfstandigen en ondernemers 

Business Coaching
Life Coaching


TogetherWorkx is een baanbrekend netwerk- en cocreatieconcept voor managers, freelancers en bedrijfsleiders.

om 09:30
Het faciliteren van groepen tijdens een proces is een vaardigheid die je kan leren.Waarom deze opleiding? Bedrijfs- of afdelingsvisies verhelderen, budget oefeningen maken, intervisiegroepen opzetten, directiemeetings faciliteren, bedrijfsprocessen in…
om 09:30
Tijdens deze driedaagse Coaching Masterclass ‘Deep Trance’ leer je hoe je cruciale conversaties kan verdiepen. Zo leer je hypnotische gesprekstechnieken toepassen in belangrijke gesprekken, coachinggesprekken, verkoopgesprekken, speeches en Storytelling.…

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